The COVID-19 Timeline

I began compiling this list of links early in the pandemic because I realised that the propaganda and censorship that was to come might make recollection almost impossible a few years from now. Just like with other major events the state and their paid goons within the media can successfully not only cover up historical fact but completely gaslight a population's own memory. We see this situation already, sometimes with official sources contradicting themselves within a week or two, yet the public as a whole still seems to "trust the science" and do as they're told.

This list is not complete by any means. There are some links which I've deleted because they were no longer fringe ideas but common knowledge, but there is undoubtedly very important information that I will have missed out, so I would reach out to any readers out there and ask them to leave a comment below if they believe anything that should have been included in this list is left out.

The crux of the situation seems to be thus; That COVID-19 is a driving force for the "resetting" of how the world functions. Mass unemployment is likely as we progress towards AI and automation, and world leaders are looking at resource allocation methods, most likely a UBI scheme that utilises digital currency on blockchains. To do all of this, everyone on Earth needs a digital ID to store their social score and digital bank accounts on, and the easiest method of implementing this incrementally is by first linking your ID with your health and vaccination records.

All of this also ties in with the environmental agenda. Meat will likely be heavily taxed and livestock farmers strongly discouraged or taxed out of existence. International travel will become prohibitively expensive for the average person, particularly with the looming destruction most jobs and ownership of property will become rare. The reduction in oil production coupled with rewilding projects, whilst brilliant on one level, may bring food insecurity on a global scale so that rationing becomes the only means of keeping everyone fed. 

The virus itself seems most likely to have been engineered by joint Western-Sino scientists for the purposes of all of the above. The multiple table-top exercises such as the Crimson Contagion, SPARS 2025, Lockstep and Event 201 all seem suspiciously like the situation that occured under COVID-19. The real question we are left with now are the risks and long-term health effects of both so called "Long COVID" and the vaccinations themselves. As some top scientists are warning, there is a very real risk that we're in the midsts of not only the world revolution posited by Alexander King, but a mass depopulation scheme.


1948. Boris Johnson's grandfather on his mother's side, James Fawcett, helps sign the declaration of Human Rights at the United Nations. (Was also a member of Chatham House – of the infamous Chatham House rule, whereby decisions and discussions made are struck from the records and kept secret.)

1968. The Club of Rome is created. 

1972. The Club of Rome publishes a report entitled "The Limits to Growth" after international gatherings in Moscow and Rio de Janeiro in 1971.

1982. Boris Johnson's Father publishes a novel entitled The Virus which "reveals uncanny parallels with the current corona virus: the outbreak of a mysterious and deadly disease, the origins of which are traced to a medical student infected by a green monkey. It features an epidemiologist as its hero and a desperate search for a vaccine."

Other, more academic books by Stanley Johnson include:

Life Without Birth (1970.)

World Population & The United Nations (1982.)

The Politics of Population: Cairo (1994.)

It is important to note that Stanley Johnson worked at the World Bank, was the Head of Prevention of Pollution Division at the European Commission from 1973 to 1979, has close links to British politics and has been an advisor for the UNEP for decades. 

The family name Johnson is false, his grandfather (Boris Johnson's great-grandfather) was Ali Kemal, a politician and activist working for British interests to bring Turkey under the British Protectorate during the Turkish civil war and coups going on before and during WWI. He and his heirs are likely Donmeh Sabbatean-Frankists.

1991. A book entitled "The First Global Revolution" is published, written by Alexander King and Bertrand Schneider. Alexander King was the co-founder of the Club of Rome.

David Rockefeller to Trilateral Commission "We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the work is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a World Government.The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries."

1992. UNCED holds the "Agenda 21" summit in Rio de Janeiro and is dubbed the "Rio Declaration on Environment and Development."

1994 David Rockefeller depopulation speech at the Annual UN Ambassadors Dinner. Longer version. He says that the UN will take responsibility for controlling the population, in a way that is sensitive to religion.

2000. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is founded. Although $20m was given to the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health for Population, Reproductive Health Institute in 1999.

27th April 2003. Australian news site back during the SARS pandemic reported that retailers should be fined for making unrealistic claims about the efficacy of face masks, saying that they only provide any form of protection for 20 minutes.

2006. Gates Foundation creates an "Alliance" to create a green revolution in Africa.

(By 2020, researchers deem this work a failure.)

25th October 2007. Boris Johnson writes an article entitled "global over-population is the real issue."

19th August 2008. Bacterial Pneumonia Caused Most Deaths in 1918 Influenza Pandemic

2009 - Present. Gates Foundation begins giving grants to Imperial College. Total up to present runs into the hundreds of millions. 

2nd December, 2010. The World Health Organization (WHO), UNICEF, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation have announced a collaboration to increase coordination across the international vaccine community and create a Global Vaccine Action Plan dubbed the “Decade of Vaccines.”

Since the start of this “philanthropic work”, Gate's net worth has increased from 54bn to $115bn, rising by $15bn since the 1st of May 2020 to the 1st October 2020.

September 2015. Agenda 2030 summit signed by world leaders, leading to what are referred to as SDG or sustainable development goals. These are mostly the same goals set out by the Agenda 21 scheme decades before. Although these goals sound reasonable however, their connections to corporate power and the world's biggest psychopaths calls into question the real purpose behind each of these 17 “sustainability” goals.

May 2016. The ID2020 Summit is held at the United Nations headquarters, bringing together 400 experts to discuss "how to provide digital identity to all" one of the sustainable development goals.

2017. The website WITS (World Integrated Trade Solution) was found to have included information about “COVID-19 diagnostic test instruments and apparatus” being sold around the world in that year and 2018 on the 5th September 2020. After going viral on social media, the following day the product information was changed to the more vague “medical test kits.”

January 2017. Dr Fauci warned then new president Donald Trump that “there is no question, there is going to be a challenge for the coming administration in the arena of infectious diseases. There will be a surprise outbreak. There’s no doubt in anyone's mind about this.”

In the UK, Extinction Rebellion the environmental protest movement, puts on a number of protests across London again. They appear to have state support including prime minister Boris Johnson's father, Stanley Johnson (who himself was an environment advisor for the UK government, the United Nations and the EU) and lobbyists within industry sectors that would have the most to gain from the “fourth industrial revolution.”

19th December, 2019. Bill gates tweets the following ominous statement:
“What's next for our foundation?  I'm particularly excited about what the next year could mean for one of the best buys in global health: vaccines.”

17th September 2020. Russia accuses US of funding large scale protests in Belarus against the president, Lukashenko. Belarus allegedly implicated a US software company PandaDoc, for funnelling funds from the US state department and a number of US employees were arrested.

November 2020. UK was to host the COP26 climate conference in Glasgow, but due to coronavirus the event has been postponed until November of 2021.

20th December 2020. University in Miami discovers that COVID-19 is still present in the testicles for up to six months and are doing further studies to see what these effects may be.

3rd January 2021. Zerohedge publishes an article entitled hospital workers turn down covid vaccine as theres too much mistrust, but has been removed, most likely because of censorship campaigns.

9th March 2021. China to support WHO on setting up vaccination mutual recognition platform. (A company called Commonpass is working with the Chinese government and WHO/WEF - but they began back in early 2020.)

(Although it seems more likely with pressure from the UN that the origin will eventually be settled as having come from meat markets as this will support the idea that humans must stay out of the rewilding areas later on.)

Spring 2021. Barbados to host UNCTAD15, the UN trade and development body's fifteenth quadrennial conference, will take place under the theme “From inequality and vulnerability to prosperity for all” as the world seeks solutions for a global new normal. 

“The COVID-19 global emergency and its extreme repercussions have exposed the need for a fundamental rethinking of many of the assumptions that previously underpinned the international economic order,” Prime Minister Mottley said during the signing ceremony held virtually.

“In a sudden and unexpected way, the crisis has provided the UNCTAD membership with a unique opportunity to be at the forefront of the new thinking and radical policy corrections that the situation now requires,” she added.
